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FAQs about Fire Impact Fees

An impact fee is to be collected for each new dwelling built within Grand Fire Protection District No. 1 boundaries including the Town of Granby and areas of unincorporated Grand County. Fees must be paid to Grand Fire Protection District No. 1 prior to issuance of any building permit. 

  • Residential Property is calculated by multiplying the total square footage by $1.26.
  • Non-Residential Property is calculated by multiplying the total square footage by $6.03.


  • Residential Dwelling: Any building or portion thereof which is used as a private residence or sleeping place of one or more human beings.
  • Non Residential: Any building or portion thereof which is used to conduct commerce OR a building other than a residence (i.e. garage, barn, shop, commercial space, or storage facility.) 
  • Remodel: Any reconstruction of an existing dwelling.
  • Accessory Building: A subordinate structure on the same property housing a use customarily incidental to the principle use (i.e. garage, storage/garden shed) that is less than 1,000 square feet.


  1. The Impact Fee is paid to mitigate fire protection impacts to the District relating to the Developer / Owner’s request for a building permit for the aforementioned property.
  2. The Developer / Owner hereby waives, releases and agrees to indemnify the District from any and all claims of any kind that may be asserted against the District arising out of or in connection with the payment, collection or use of the Impact Fee.
  3. By paying these fees, the Developer / Owner hereby agrees to the terms of this agreement.

* A written request for a waiver of the impact fee will be considered by the Grand Fire Protection District Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.


In 2003, Grand Fire Protection District initiated an Emergency Service/Fire Impact Fee Program to offset the District’s growth-related costs resulting from residential and commercial development. An impact fee is a one-time charge for new development that attempts to recover the cost incurred by local government in providing the public facilities required to serve new development. An impact fee program enables local government to collect revenues from a developer to cover capital costs that are directly related to the impacts generated by a proposed development. Every five years, Grand Fire undergoes a Fire Impact Fee Analysis Study to identify the projected costs of new or expanded facilities needed to accommodate the anticipated new development in the District and to identify the new development’s appropriate share of the costs. To see a copy of our most recent Analysis Study that was conducted in December of 2024, please click here

When must the fire impact fee be paid?

  • Fees are to be collected from properties within Grand Fire Protection District at final plat or when applying for a building permit.

How much is the impact fee for a new residence?

  • The fee is calculated at $1.26 per square foot for each new dwelling. A “residential dwelling” is defined as any building or portion thereof that is used as the private residence or sleeping place for one or more human beings.

How much is the impact fee for non-residential property?

  • Non-residential property is calculated by multiplying the total square footage by $6.03  “Non-residential property” is defined as any building other than a residential dwelling (i.e. commercial space, storage facility, shop or barn.)

How much is the impact fee for a commercial development?

  • The fee for commercial development is the same as non-residential space and is calculated by multiplying the total square footage by $6.03  “Commercial” is defined as any building or portion thereof used to conduct commerce, trade or business.

What is an accessory building?

  • An “accessory building” is defined as a subordinate, non-residential structure on the same residential property that houses a use incidental to the principle use (i.e. storage shed, barn or garage) and is less than 1,000 square feet. An accessory building is exempt from impact fees.

Do I have to pay an impact fee for a building that is replacing another building?

  • If the new building is the same square footage and usage you do not have to pay any additional impact fees. If you add additional square footage or change the usage of the building, you will have to pay impact fees on the added square footage. Changing the usage of the building may cause a change in the impact fees as well.

Are there other exemptions from impact fees?

  • A written request for a waiver of the impact fee must be submitted to the Grand Fire Protection District Board of Directors. Waivers are issued on a case-by-case basis.

    Does the Fire District need to review my building plans?

    • Yes. You can either call the office at 970-887-3380 extension 206 to make an appointment with our fire inspector, or you can  email the PDF plans directly to

    Where is the fee paid?

    • Before paying your invoice, please check to see if your property is located within or outside of Granby town limits here
    • If you are building within the town limits of Granby,  payment can be accepted at: Town of Winter Park/Granby Building Department, 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO 80482.
    • If you are building outside  town limits of Granby, payments by cash or check can be accepted at our Headquarters Station: 60500 US Highway 40 in Granby or by mail at Grand Fire Protection District No. 1, PO Box 338, Granby CO 80446. Payments by debit/credit card are accepted on our website only. 
    • If you have received an impact fee invoice, you may pay your fee here.
    • After payment is received, you will receive an official “Paid” invoice receipt from Grand Fire (hard copy or digital file) to include in your building permit documents.

    For questions who do I contact?

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