Short-Term Rentals in Grand County

A Short-Term Rental (also known as a vacation rental) is the nightly or weekly rental of dwellings, dwelling units, mobile homes, rooms or accommodations, excluding hotels and motels, for less than 30 consecutive days; including but not limited to: single family dwellings, duplexes, multi-family dwellings, townhomes, condominiums, time share or similar dwellings. All property owners desiring to engage in the short-term rental of their residence in the Town of Granby and/or unincorporated Grand County must apply for a Short-Term Rental Permit. These permits must be obtained and renewed on an annual basis.
Grand Fire Protection District requires Short Term Rentals to install a Knox Box, and to have an annual inspection for renewal with the Town of Granby or Grand County. Please schedule an inspection below.